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Voyage of
Self Discovery

Yet, as the intensity of her emotions subsided, Rachel began to reflect. She realised that her exclusion from the succession plan wasn’t about a lack of hard work or success; it was about her lack of clear direction. This moment of truth pushed Rachel to confront the questions she had been avoiding her entire life: "What do I really want?" "What does career success look like for me?" "What's my plan?"

And so began Rachel’s "voyage of self-discovery."

She started with career coaching, which helped her reconnect with her core strengths, interests, and motivations. This journey of introspection and growth soon led her to a completely new path—becoming a career coach herself. Doors that she had never imagined began to open, leading to opportunities that she once thought were beyond reach.

Collaborating with Clarity Leadership and working with world-class coaches, Rachel delivered transformational leadership development programs for household names. Partnering with Westwood Global Energy, she expanded her influence and impact. But Rachel’s voyage of self-discovery didn’t stop there—it only deepened. She realized that personal growth is an endless journey, one that continues as long as we live and breathe.

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Powering Up

Through ongoing personal development, mindset shifts, and heart-healing work, Rachel has continued to evolve, removing barriers and unlocking her full potential. It hasn’t been easy, but it has been absolutely worth it. Today, Rachel leads a life filled with more ease, enjoyment, and enrichment than she ever thought possible—and she’s grateful for that moment back in 2020 when she wasn’t included in the succession plan.

Now, through Power Your Potential, Rachel is on a mission to bust the myth of “reaching your potential.” She empowers others to take control of their own succession plans and believe that the sky’s the limit.

At Power Your Potential, we believe that no one can define your potential but you. Our work is about helping you discover, nurture, and expand your unique abilities so that you can live a life of purpose, passion, and possibility. The journey never ends, and the possibilities are limitless.

© by Power Your Potential




Lynwood House,  Station Road, Harrow, United Kingdom, HA1 2AW

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How it Started...

Power Your Potential was founded in 2020 by Rachel, our founder, after a pivotal moment that reshaped her career and life. At that time, Rachel believed she was thriving in her work. However, everything changed when her line manager presented the team’s succession plan, and Rachel’s name was conspicuously absent.

Confused and angered, Rachel demanded to know why she wasn’t included. The response she received was both startling and revealing: “Because I don’t know what you want. I can’t put you in here as I have no idea where you want to go.” Her manager went on to say that the leadership team’s talent review concluded that Rachel had “reached her potential.”

Those words reverberated through Rachel’s entire being. Reached my potential? Up until that point, she had been consistently recognised as “key talent,” but now she was being told that her growth had plateaued. The idea that someone could define her potential felt infuriating, almost insulting. How could anyone determine the limits of another person’s growth?

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